Cornerstone West CDC, Latin American Community Center, and Be Ready CDC are founding members of the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee and revitalization effort. Since 2011, these organizations have collaborated with residents and other organizations to develop and implement the 10-year West Side Revitalization Plan. In 2020, HCD joined the partnership, contributing to new affordable housing, revitalized playgrounds, a child care center, and stronger social cohesion. As a backbone organization, Cornerstone West CDC supports the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee and helps coordinate community development initiatives. Last year, the community released a West Side Revitalization Plan Update, providing stakeholders with a roadmap for the next decade.
Cornerstone West CDC
Be Ready CDC
Latin American Community Center
“With the investment and support of HCD, Cornerstone facilitated the update to the West Side Revitalization Plan. The 2024 Plan now serves as the foundation/roadmap for our strategies and acts as a lever to drive more resources to the West Side.”
Contact: Sarah Lester, President & CEO,
Contact: Kelly Scanlan, Director of Development & Communications,
Contact: Margaret Moon-Taylor, Executive Director,
Healthy Communities Delaware
managed as a collaboration among the delaware community foundation, Delaware Division of Public Health & university of delaware Partnership for Healthy COmmunities