Meaningful change requires more than funding—it requires partnership, collaboration, and trust. We collaborate with investors and organizations committed to making sustained, strategic community contributions.
Partnering on long-term investments in communities enables financial support plus capacity building to have trusted relationships with our partner communities. This strengthens the Vital Conditions necessary for thriving communities.
By shifting the power to the community, HCD is not just a funder but a collaborator and partner.
HCD’s infrastructure has helped channel over $30 million into Delaware through direct funding and by enabling the securing of additional resources.
Since 2020 15 HCD Communities and 23 Partner Organizations' projects have been invested in for place-based, resident-led community revitalization efforts. HCD investments increase collaboration, tailor technical assistance to community needs and embed capacity within local organizations to create change. These funds serve almost 20% of Delaware's population.
Use the interactive dashboard below to learn more about HCD's investments. Click on a year, community, organization, or county to cross-filter and cross-highlight the data. To remove the filtering or highlighting, select the value again or an empty space in the same visual.
Visit our Impact page to learn more about the community-driven results happening across Delaware.
Healthy Communities Delaware
managed as a collaboration among the delaware community foundation, Delaware Division of Public Health & university of delaware Partnership for Healthy COmmunities