Leveraging HCD’s support since 2020, La Esperanza has empowered the diverse Latino and immigrant communities across Sussex County and spearheaded transformative community improvement efforts that foster thriving conditions for all. By expanding place-based resource navigation and family coaching from a single Georgetown center to five local libraries in Sussex County and developing two innovative programs tailored to needs of the Latino community, La Esperanza is helping clients overcome obstacles and access vital services.
La Esperanza
“Our staff are from the community, and we are developing future leaders that are representative of the community and their concerns. It is a social justice and equity issue to adequately support nonprofits who do this work and employ primarily from the community. Nonprofit workers deserve a living wage and an opportunity to grow. When we don't do this, organizations, their work, and the investment that is made in that work, flounders.”
Contact: Jennifer Fuqua, Executive Director, jfuqua@laesperanza.org
Website: www.laesperanzacenter.org
Healthy Communities Delaware
managed as a collaboration among the delaware community foundation, Delaware Division of Public Health & university of delaware Partnership for Healthy COmmunities