With HCD support, the South Wilmington Planning Network (SWPN) and Civic Association facilitated a community-driven planning process to create a Southbridge Neighborhood Action Plan (SNAP). The inactive Southbridge Community Development Corporation was revived to act as a backbone organization to coordinate the community development efforts of SWPN, Southbridge Civic Association, and other stakeholders. The Southbridge CDC has grown its capacity and spearheaded efforts to address housing, environment and community engagement.
Southbridge CDC
"The monthly partner meetings are very effective as they able us to see what other organizations are doing, how they did it, and where there are possible partnerships. HCD's numerous support has helped address hurdles, that would have cost extreme time and hindered the progress our organization has made. The technical support helped kick off the SBCDC's presence on social media. The HCD staff provided hands-on support and provided skill sets at that time were not available from the community."
Contact: Hanifa Shabazz, Interim Executive Director, hshabazz@southbridgecdc.org
Website: www.southbridgecdc.org
Contact: Britt Salen, Co-Chair, southwilmingtonplanningnetwork@gmail.com
Website: www.swpn.org
Healthy Communities Delaware
managed as a collaboration among the delaware community foundation, Delaware Division of Public Health & university of delaware Partnership for Healthy COmmunities