The Seaford Community of Hope, led by Children & Families First, is improving the quality of life for residents at Meadowbridge and Chandler Heights Apartments. Since joining the HCD network in 2022, they have initiated a neighborhood strength and needs assessment, identifying key community-driven priorities and developed projects around them. Assessments, data evaluation, and consensus building all take time. This community has fostered a sense of belonging and civic muscle, is addressing basic health and safety needs and laying the groundwork for sustainable community improvements.
The Seaford Community of Hope
"We are grateful for the support that HCD has also offered invaluable support toward sustaining the goals proposed for this project. Our assigned partner liaison has provided immense assistance in any way possible. She has attended several of our community events and was instrumental in assisting the SCOH Program Manager with identifying resources to build questions for the needs assessment. While plans were tabled for this funding cycle, the partner liaison also assisted with bringing in HCD’s Communication Manager to discuss crafting a storytelling video to push through social media for stakeholders to help bring awareness to the SCOH program."
Contact: Andrea Miller,
Healthy Communities Delaware
managed as a collaboration among the delaware community foundation, Delaware Division of Public Health & university of delaware Partnership for Healthy COmmunities