The Route 9 Master Plan Monitoring Committee conducted a feasibility study to help understand the wide range of work happening along the Route 9 corridor. With investment from HCD, The Rt. 9 Community Development Corporation (formerly New Castle Prevention Coalition) supports the development of green space, economic opportunity and environmental justice that align with the Route 9 Master Plan. The aim is to strengthen the Vital Conditions of reliable transportation, a thriving natural world, and civic muscle and belonging. A resident-driven process ensures active community engagement in neighborhood transformation.
"HCD has gone above and beyond to assist us and connect with us throughout the 2024 fiscal year to keep track of and follow through on the implementation of the grant funds. HCD has also supported our hired staff through opening up the Community Development Institute as an available training event for our staff."
Contact: Sandra Smithers, Executive Director,
Healthy Communities Delaware
managed as a collaboration among the delaware community foundation, Delaware Division of Public Health & university of delaware Partnership for Healthy COmmunities