Since 2020, NeighborGood Partners has been a cornerstone in the Dover Housing Authority neighborhoods of Manchester Square, Derby Estates, and Willis Road. With support from HCD, they have built community relationships and trust by maintaining a consistent presence in the community - organizing neighborhood meetings, events, and celebrations. A concerted effort to engage youth in pro-social activities that build trust and mitigate the risk of gang involvement has resulted in an array of opportunities for younger residents, from pick-up sports games to structured mentoring programs. In the coming year, a newly constructed pole barn will be completed, providing a much-needed community space for both resident meetings and youth activities. Through these efforts, there is now a growing group of local leaders who participate in leadership training and plan events and activities to flex their civic muscle.
NeighborGood Partners
“HCD commits to working with the partner agencies in an active and dynamic manner and the staff follow through on that commitment. Funding is pledged over the long-term and that is very important as true community revitalization is a long and often grueling process.”
Contact: Patricia Kelleher, Community Development Director,
Healthy Communities Delaware
managed as a collaboration among the delaware community foundation, Delaware Division of Public Health & university of delaware Partnership for Healthy COmmunities